Overcoming the Impossibility of Amazing - Typically excellent post from Seth Godin. It's so important to just get started. Don't try to be perfect.
Med Student Starts Website for Patients with Rare Diseases - Pardon the self promotion, but this article explains why Ben's Friends is so special.
Netflix Adultery - This is a real thing people. Vanessa and I have taken the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" approach. :)
Learning From Los Gatos - Fantastic analysis of Silicon Valley politics and what makes things different here. It's a response piece to George Packer's New Yorker article on Valley politics. My favorite part was the focus on equity participation for average tech employees. That's what is truly special about the Valley's culture and fuels our economic prospects.
Welcome, Recent Graduates - Advice every college graduate needs on how to get a job. Great reminder for the rest of us.
The Collected Letters of Marissa Mayer and David Karp - Yahoo bought Tumblr for $1B+ this week. All in all, I think it's a pretty good purchase for Yahoo. Tumblr can become a flagship property and Yahoo has the brand relationships to sell a lot of advertising. The New Yorker poked a little fun at the two CEO's.
Donner Lake, California