Thursday, May 31, 2012

@boonepickens, 5/30/12 5:00 PM

T Boone letting Drake know who the big fish is. 

T. Boone Pickens (@boonepickens)
5/30/12 5:00 PM
The first billion is a helluva lot harder RT @Drake: The first million is the hardest.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Derek Jeter's Diary: A W Is a W Is a W - The Triangle Blog - Grantland

Fake Derek Jeter's Diary is the best. 

"In the movie Moneyball, Brad Pitt says something like, "There are rich teams and there are poor teams. Then there's 50 feet of crap. And then there's us." I don't why they felt the need to attack the Yankees like that, as if we're eating steak made of gold while standing on some kind of crap-mountain that's crushing them to death. That's not really the case anymore. There's a luxury tax now, and revenue sharing, and we let Oakland have Bartolo Colon back when we were done with him. That seems pretty fair — let's not make another big movie out of it that ultimately doesn't win any Oscars. Don't get me wrong, there's obviously a revenue disparity, especially when you look at the upper deck they've closed off at Coliseum and realize there's an entireSlumdog Millionaire shantytown up there now, and that there's an unmanned donkey-cart wandering around center on nights they can't scrape up the money for an actual third outfielder. But that's more a mismanagement question than an unfairness question, trust me. They pay for the clubhouse soda machine now, they're not necessarily putting all their money between the lines anymore."

@peterhartlaub, 5/29/12 10:25 PM

Great point. 

Peter Hartlaub (@peterhartlaub)
5/29/12 10:25 PM
On the bright side, every pie that Pablo shoves in a teammate's face is one that isn't going in his stomach. #Giants

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"Everyone says it was different in the old days, the only difference is the ability to connect with..."

True that. This is why is so meaningful. JC is one of the superstar moderators that makes it happen. 

JC's Blog
"Everyone says it was different in the old days, the only difference is the ability to connect with others struggling like you , in the "Old Days" people struggled alone because they didn't want to be labeled a " Complainer""

- John "JC" Colyer
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"If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat. Just get on."

James Siminoff
"If you're offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat. Just get on."

- Sheryl Sandberg's Inspiring Speech At Harvard Business School  (via courtenaybird)
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Monday, May 28, 2012

Scott Orn shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

Scott Orn just shared an Instagram photo with you:

view full image

"Good Friends, Good Times"
(taken at Donner Lake)

The Instagram Team

Friday, May 25, 2012

Verbally for iPad

Great app for for the hearing impaired made by wonderful people. 

JC's Blog


Heard about Verbally? It's an iPad app that helps speech impaired people in minimizing key strokes and maximizing ease and speed. It makes communication easier, and the best part is it's free! Our dear members in are loving it!

Download Verbally for iPad and share your thoughts in our Ataxia Support Group. LivingWithAtaxia is one of the patient support communities powered by

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Facebook IPO Post Mortem – Killer – but not for the reasons you think ! « blog maverick

Great post by Mark Cuban on tech. Lots of great points. This is my favorite:

"Bottom line, if you think mobile will displace online usage from PCs then you should immediately short Google and other ad plays and buy TV stations and networks. If you can't buy an ad effectively on mobile and no one is using a PC to connect to the internet any more, then the only way to reach an audience is going to be via good old tv. And all that over the top video noise, forgettabout it.

I wonder what Netflix thinks about mobile vs pc online consumption ?"

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Scott Orn shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

Scott Orn just shared an Instagram photo with you:

view full image

"Next Gen"

The Instagram Team

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How Common is Your Birthday?

Neat chart from this website:

Friday, May 18, 2012

MySpace Ghost Town « The Bygone Bureau

Funny article by my buddy Greg Mazurek. Loved it.

"Last Tuesday, I went to And I survived. I went to the once-enormously-popular-still-semi-functional-yet-so-2004 social networking site after I saw an old friend on the subway platform on my commute home from the law firm Weinrich, Abrams, Indroverned, and Granovetter LLC. She didn't see me. And to be honest, I wasn't sure if it was her. I needed to check and the last place I remember having any interaction with her was on MySpace. Eight years ago, she typed words that haunted me since: "if I'm still single in 8 yrs and u are 2, u and I are gonna go on tonz of hot dates." I was single, but was she? I had no idea what I was getting into but, I had to find GiNaBSBz83"

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Willie Nelson - Just Breathe - YouTube

Willie Nelson covering an Eddie Vedder song, Just Breathe. Pretty cool. Willie below, here's the Eddie version. (Thanks for the heads up Calin!)

Willie Nelson - Just Breathe - YouTube:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

Brown Proposes $8.3 Billion in Cuts for California -

"The fact is, California has been living beyond its means," Mr. Brown said in Sacramento before flying here for a second news conference detailing the plan. "The United States of America and its federal government has been living beyond its means. Well, there has to be a balance and a day of reckoning. This is a day of reckoning, and we have to take the medicine."

Mad Men Power Rankings: Episode 509, 'Dark Shadows'

Lisanti is a cant miss on his Mad Men weekly recaps. 

"4. Megan Draper (last week: 1) Don writes Megan a perfectly composed, two-line love poem, and all he gets in return is "Gone to get bagels, *heart* M"? How about, "Gone to get bagels. When I return, we'll fill the holes with our love"? Or "Gone to get bagels, bringing home a schmear for my schweetie." Maybe, "Gone to get bagels. When I get back, I'll slather you in cream cheese and toss smoked salmon at your manly chest"? You know what? This is harder than it looks. She gets a pass. Even if she's haughtily dismissive of the writing on Dark Shadows. Not everyone's got a fancy apartment and a rich husband, you know. Sometimes you've got to eat chuck to keep from starving."

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Coming Meltdown in College Education

This is pretty good. 

Mark Cuban (@mcuban)
5/13/12 6:13 PM
The Coming Meltdown in College Education & Why The Economy Won't Get Better Any Time Soon…

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fred Wilson's MBA Mondays

A VC: MBA Mondays: Where To Go Next?:

Fred Wilson has quietly been creating a tremendous resource for any budding entrepreneur. It's called MBA Mondays and he has covered every possible finance concept I can think of that applies to start-ups and the tech world. If you're pre-MBA or thinking about starting something, definitely check it out.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Photo of MGM's stable of movie stars in 1943

this is pretty cool.


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via by Jason Kottke on 5/10/12

A group photograph of MGM's stars and starlets under contract, taken for the studio's 20th anniversary in 1943.

MGM 1943

The full-size photo is available at Mlkshk or at Wikipedia for stargazing. Here's who's in the photo:

Front Row: James Stewart, Margaret Sullavan, Lucille Ball, Hedy Lamarr, Katharine Hepburn, Louis B Mayer, Greer Garson, Irene Dunne, Susan Peters, Ginny Simms, Lionel Barrymore

Second Row: Harry James, Brian Donlevy, Red Skelton, Mickey Rooney, William Powell, Wallace Beery, Spencer Tracy, Walter Pidgeon, Robert Taylor, Pierre Aumont, Lewis Stone, Gene Kelly, Jackie Jenkins

Third Row: Tommy Dorsey, George Murphy, Jean Rogers, James Craig, Donna Reed, Van Johnson, Fay Bainter, Marsha Hunt, Ruth Hussey, Marjorie Main, Robert Benchley

Fourth Row: Dame May Whitty, Reginald Owen, Keenan Wynn, Diana Lewis, Marilyn Maxwell, Esther Williams, Ann Richards, Marta Linden, Lee Bowman, Richard Carlson, Mary Astor

Fifth Row: Blanche Ring, Sara Haden, Fay Holden, Bert Lahr, Frances Gifford, June Allyson, Richard Whorf, Frances Rafferty, Spring Byington, Connie Gilchrist, Gladys Cooper

Sixth Row:

Ben Blue, Chill Wills, Keye Luke, Barry Nelson, Desi Arnaz, Henry O'Neill, Bob Crosby, Rags Ragland

Tags: Hollywood   MGM   movies   photography


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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Maurice Sendak, Children’s Author, Dies at 83 -

Maurice Sendak, Children’s Author, Dies at 83 -
“Dear Mr. Sendak,” read one, from an 8-year-old boy. “How much does it cost to get to where the wild things are? If it is not expensive, my sister and I would like to spend the summer there.”

Sad to hear about Maurice Sendak's passing. Here's a great exchange between him and Steven Colbert that I loved.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reblog: AdventuresinCapitalism | Does Real Estate Equal A Bond Short?

Good insider look at the way professional investors think about the interplay of asset classes through the prism of real estate and long term U.S. bonds. These people buying real estate, don't especially like real estate, they just hate the bond market. If the bond market blows up, they have incredible financing in place and can basically get a building "for free." One thing to point out is that you better not have to refinance that building after the bond market blows up though, or you're screwed.
AdventuresinCapitalism | Does Real Estate Equal A Bond Short?
"Then it hit both of us at the same time. They aren’t looking for yield. They’re not looking for upside in rents or property prices or anything else. They’re looking to lock in 15 years of financing at 4%. They’re expecting a collapse in bonds. This will happen because the dollar will either be worthless in 15 years or the bond market will collapse—or probably a bit of both. They found a way to short huge size in long dated bonds and do it in an almost risk-free manner. Unlike borrowing to buy gold, there’s no mark-to-market and no margin calls or need to post more collateral.  They expect the 15-year mortgages that they are taking out will be worthless soon and that they will have a free building."

Monday, May 7, 2012

Healy Jones Speech at BusinessInsider’s Startup 2012

I watched my buddy, Healy Jones, do this presentation at SXSW. He was great and the subject matter is so interesting. One thing I've learned is that people always over-rate their competitors. Don't ever let a big competitor stop you from doing something meaningful. They will almost never follow through with a product/service that is worthy. 


I (Healy Jones, for all you search engine bot's out there) spoke at last week's BusinessInsider Startup 2012 event in NYC. The topic was David vs. Goliath – how small companies can compete against big players like Google and Apple.

Julia Kenney of TMCnet infoTech Spotlight covered the speech with a nice write up. You can read her article here, in the cloud storage channel, called "How to Compete with Apple and Google."

One of the blurbs from my talk that she quoted was:

"It all has to do with being lean," said Jones. He noted how long it takes companies such as Google and Apple to launch anything because of all the administrative processes required before any decisions can officially be made."

Hopefully BI will post some video from the event so I can link to it as well.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Derek Jeter's Diary: Hughes Blues - The Triangle Blog - Grantland

I couldn't stop laughing while reading the fake Derek Jeter Diary. Well done Mark Lisanti. 

"Also, I see that Detroit released Brandon Inge. It's always sad when a guy gets shown the door like that, but it's a little weird how crazy everyone's going about it. He's batting like .100, and he didn't have a position since Miggy Cabrera got moved to third. You'd think that with all these Moneyball types analyzing baseball someone might suggest Cabrera could try playing third with Inge on his shoulders; I don't know a lot about the advanced metrics, but you'd have to believe it wouldn't affect his range too much, and they'd get to a lot of high line drives. Think about it. It's not too late to get him back."

A Softer World: Spring Fever

I can relate.

A Softer World: 808:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bed cartography

I live this every night. :)
Except he forgot to address the nightly heat wave that originates from her side too.


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via FlowingData by Nathan Yau on 5/1/12

Bed Cartography by Doghouse Diaries

Doghouse Diaries maps bed regions. I relate to this. [Thanks, Robert]


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