Sunday, July 31, 2011


[daily dose of imagery]

Boots || Canon5D2/EF17-40L | 1/400s | f4 | ISO400
Evergreen Brick Works.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday Chill Music - July 29, 2011

Another great playlist by Kenna called Time & Place. This one has dates and times tied to his favorite songs. I was there for a few of them and can totally remember what was happening.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pearl Jam Twenty

This is going to be awesome. Props to Downs & Ziser for posting this on Facebook separately. Ziser even dubbed it, "Orn Porn," which is true.

Pearl Jam: Twenty from Victoria Taylor on Vimeo.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Brad Album

New song and album to come from the band Brad. It's a Seattle band with Shawn Smith and Stone Gossard (of Pearl Jam). I've tried to embed the new song below. If it doesn't work, just go to their website.

Here are a couple oldies as a bonus:

 Brad - Screen (Shame) by shawnsmith

 Shawn Smith - Wrapped In My Memory (Shield of Thorns) by shawnsmith








Monday, July 25, 2011

Eddie Vedder: Man About Town | MixTAPE

Great review of the Eddie Vedder in Oakland below. It's the review for the night before we went, but Wednesday's show had a lot of similarities and was terrific. Eddie played for almost 3 hours. At about the two hour mark he said (paraphrasing), "I can keep playing, I have the time, do you?" and the crowd went crazy. He stayed on for another hour.

He closed the first set with Arc, touched on below. That one song is worth the price of admission. You can actually feel the vibrations throughout the theater and the chorus feels like a giant exhale.

Eddie Vedder: Man About Town | MixTAPE:
"Ed ended the set with the Pearl Jam song “Arc.” The song is a wordless elegy to nine people who died at a Pearl Jam concert in Roskilde in 2000 and a very loose treatment of the sufi spiritual stylings of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, the now deceased Pakistani singer who Ed collaborated with on the “Dead Man Walking” soundtrack in 1995. It is also a duet with himself as Ed records the first verse and loops it over the first and second and third until it is a full chorus of one that continues playing even after Ed has left the stage and although I have seen it live many times, I get goose bumps every time."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Brunch - July 24, 2011

Hope you enjoy these articles before, after or during brunch. :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Winehouse memory

Matthew Belloni (@THRMattBelloni)
7/23/11 11:20 AM
Winehouse memory: walking SXSW in 2006, I heard amazing soul voice coming from bar. Peeked in and couldn't believe what singer looked like.

Orn Comment: I hope my buddy Matt expands on this story more. She was so small time that she didn't even have a real venue. 2 months later she was humongous, world famous. First time I really got a perspective on how fast stars can blow up. It was probably a contributor to her downfall. Sad for her and her family.

Alan Thomas of Ben's Friends

We've begun to highlight members of the Ben's Friends network on our blog. There are so many amazing people but it's only fitting that we start with Alan Thomas of Ataxia Support.
Stepping Stone from Digital Stories on Vimeo.

Alan Thomas, moderator of our site, was diagnosed with Cerebellar Ataxia, an extremely rare neurological disorder. In spite of challenges he has become a champion for disabled people everywhere. Check out this video of his inspirational story.Thank you, Alan, for your courage, conviction, and inspiration to live life to the fullest.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Chill Music - July 22, 2011

Matt Ziser posted about this band on Facebook and I'm really enjoying it. The band is called Little Dragon and the album is Ritual Union.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sugar Paper on Tumblr

Everyone's favorite letterpress stationery company, Sugar Paper, is now on Tumblr. The ladies of Sugar Paper have such great style, I can't wait to see what they do with the Tumblr format.

Btw - you can read their regular blog too (

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ben's Friends Traffic Chart (July 2011)

Yesterday Ben sent around the traffic chart for Ben's Friends Patient Support Networks and it made me smile. Pretty cool how many people we have helped to date. Equally as exciting, is how steep the growth curve has been lately.

P.S. According to Google Analytics, this under counts our traffic by at least 6,000+ unique visitors. :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Dalio’s Bridgewater, the “Richest and Strangest” Hedge Fund on Earth

Very well said below.

Paul Kedrosky

Some quotes from a long New Yorker profile of Bridgewater and its founder, Ray Dalio. Lots of the usual unsettling stuff, but nuggets about strategy too.

To guide its investments, Bridgewater has put together hundreds of "decision rules." These are the financial analogue of Dalio's Principles. He used to write them down and keep them in a ring binder. Today, they are encoded in Bridgewater's computers. Some of these indicators are very general. One of them says that if inflation-adjusted interest rates decline in a given country, its currency is likely to decline. Others are more specific. One says that, over the long run, the price of gold approximates the total amount of money in circulation divided by the size of the gold stock. If the market price of gold moves a long way from this level, it may indicate a buying or selling opportunity.

…"We are still in a deleveraging period," he said. "We will be in a deleveraging period for ten years or more."

Dalio believes that some heavily indebted countries, including the United States, will eventually opt for printing money as a way to deal with their debts, which will lead to a collapse in their currency and in their bond markets. "There hasn't been a case in history where they haven't eventually printed money and devalued their currency," he said. Other developed countries, particularly those tied to the euro and thus to the European Central Bank, don't have the option of printing money and are destined to undergo "classic depressions," Dalio said. The recent deal to avoid an immediate debt default by Greece didn't alter his pessimistic view. "People concentrate on the particular thing of the moment, and they forget the larger underlying forces," he said. "That's what got us into the debt crisis. It's just today, today."

Dalio's assessment sounded alarmingly plausible. But when one plays the global financial markets a thorough economic analysis is only the first stage of the game. At least as important is getting the timing right. I asked Dalio when all this would start to come together. "I think late 2012 or early 2013 is going to be another very difficult period," he said.

via Ray Dalio's Richest and Strangest Hedge Fund : The New Yorker.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Brunch - July 17, 2011

It's a late Sunday Brunch this week because I was enjoying wonderful Seattle, Washington. Great town!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Chill Music - july 15, 2011- Lemonade X (2011)

Bryan Kenna's legendary summer chill mix, Lemonade is out. Click through the link below. For me, it always becomes the playlist of that summer. 


Summer is here (slash it's been here for ~2 months) so it's time for the latest installment of Lemonade. Crack a beer or pour a bourbon, find a comfortable seat outside, enjoy. It's that simple.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Market Commentary

Interesting perspective below on European debt crisis. I hadn't thought of that. 

""Ironically, the big beneficiary of the financial problems in the weaker European countries has been Germany.  The credit crisis has kept the euro cheap.  I know it doesn't look that way to you Americans because your currency has deteriorated significantly, but to many others around the world German goods are very attractively priced, making their exports strong.  That's why it is in Germany's interest to keep the European Union intact.  If Greece and Portugal were thrown out because of their poor financial management, the euro would appreciate and the German economy would suffer.  The current solution that allows Greece to roll over its maturing debt into new longer-dated, lower-interest obligations avoids default and is very elegant.  It doesn't solve any of the long-term problems, but it does get Europe through the current crisis."

Great Advice :)

"Dance like the photo's not tagged, love like you've never been unfriended, tweet like nobody's following." (says @juliacantor!)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Personal Genetics: 23andMe

23andMe is a cool service that analyzes your DNA and gives you a ton of genetic information including diseases you are predisposed to and lot's of stuff about where your ancestors came from. I signed up and use it and dig it. I've thoroughly explored the site and love the results. I wish they had built some more applications on top of the data but hopefully that is on the way.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Talking Funny

Awesome series of YouTube Videos on comedy. It's Chris Rock, Seinfeld, Louis CK and Ricky Gervais (via Kottke)

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I miss Don Draper so much. This WWDDD inforgraphic helped me get through another week. :)

Thanks Walm.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Urban Sitter: Booking BabySitters Made Easy

I'm really excited for my friend Andrea Barrett because her new startup, Urban Sitter, has come out of development. Urban Sitter makes it fast & easy to book a babysitter, and because there is a heavy social component, you can access the babysitters that your friends have endorsed. I love the concept and Andrea is a terrific entrepreneur who will make this work.

Best of luck Dre!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hegs' tumblr

Hegs' tumblr: "soupsoup:

Most every show on U2’s 360 world tour has ended with “Moment of Surrender,” but before walking off stage last night in Nashville, Bono saw a blind fan up front holding a sign saying he wanted to play a song for his wife.

“What do you want to play?” Bono said to him. “Get a guitar for this dude. Gents, we have a surprise guest.” The man said he was really nervous but once handed Bono’s acoustic guitar he began playing “All I Want Is You.”

It started with just Bono on vocals, but soon enough the entire band joined in for a moment the man is unlikely to ever forget. When it was all done, Bono gave him the guitar.

Beautiful" |

Springworks is a terrific program run by my friend Jorge Calderon. It's for women and minorities who want to work in venture capital and venture-backed startups. You apply before you go to business school and then work through the program during the 2 years you are in school. Definitely check it out if you qualify. |: "There are a disproportionate number of women and minorities in leading or supporting roles within venture investment sized start-ups. Historically, companies owned by women and minorities have received less than 5% of total venture capital investments"

Will Price: Google+, An iPad Moment

Interesting perspective from Will Price.

Will Price: Google+, An iPad Moment:

"Moreover, Google+ instantly changed my sense of Facebook's value. Prior to the + launch, Facebook's ascendancy and victory seemed written in stone. 100s of millions of users, no competition, brands flocking to Fan Pages, etc. In my first + session, I realized how easy it is to switch from Facebook to + - outside of my contacts and the occasional photo, leaving behind Facebook, just like I left Blackberry behind to go to the iPhone, proved a no-brainer and truly easy."

Most Eligible Dallas Season 1 - If You're Single, This is the Place to Be - Video - Bravo TV Official Site

Most Eligible Dallas Season 1 - If You're Single, This is the Place to Be - Video - Bravo TV Official Site

All I needed to hear and I'm in.

---"I've been engaged four times..."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Article: Chuck Klosterman on Led Zeppelin's last stand - Grantland

Chuck Klosterman on Led Zeppelin's last stand - Grantland

...Details that have been lost to social memory can still thrive within the context of modern products, even if no one recalls who made them up or what deserves the credit; while we're always predisposed to credit the progenitors of certain ideas, it's those who normalize the concepts that define what our social experience is. I think of that when I watch this footage of "In the Evening." This is, I suppose, a monolith on the cusp of hemorrhage: Nothing in the clip is classic, the band is on its last legs, and no part of the performance would be included among the 500 greatest moments in Zeppelin's history. But watch it again. Watch it 10 times. When is the last time you went to a concert and something like this actually happened, despite the groups overt efforts to make it so? When is the last time you watched a band play this well, for this long, without even trying? How often are you able to see the very premise of rock music, produced on the largest possible scale, as an act of utter normalcy? How many bands aspire to this alleged mediocrity and totally fail?

This is Led Zeppelin when they sucked. And wouldn't it be wonderful if all things were this bad?

(via Instapaper)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Science, Superstars & Stocks: Is Everything Getting Harder?

Paul Kedrosky

Is everything getting harder? There is a growing meme that things are getting more difficult, from science, to drug discovery, to investing, to the top levels of sports.

Two quick graphs to make the point. First, in drug discovery, where we are seeing a decline in new molecular entities per dollar spent...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Chill Music - July 1, 2011

Going back to the Bryan Kenna well again with another terrific playlist. I loved his review of the new Bon Iver, which is one of the three albums he highlighted this week.

As a bonus, I'll include a link to Bon Iver's cover of "I Can't Make You Love Me" - very sensitive. :)

twoniner | 3x3 June (II):

"Bon Iver, Bon Iver 
A pretty divisive album from what I can tell, but I fall into the “I love it” camp. For Emma was such a ridiculously good album, trying to recreate that would have been a disaster. I like the fuller sound but unmistakable voice. I like that there are sonic nuggets of lots of different things going on a la Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. I like that there are sections of songs that fall into the category of wishing they’d go on minutes longer even though I know it wouldn’t work as well if it did. I find the whole music/sound on this one (almost) as moving as For Emma, but with a feeling of near optimism rather than desperation. And I’m 100% down with the 80’s influence that loads of people think is cheesy as hell. As an old Dead fan, I became an unapologetic Bruce Hornsby fan years ago. Overall a great album and Calgary may be my favorite song of the year so far."

YouTube - ‪Pearl Jam - Porch @ Pink Pop 92‬‏

YouTube - ‪Pearl Jam - Porch @ Pink Pop 92‬‏
