Time for Links...
Funny NY Times article on how we should have seen the credit crash coming with the recent extension of hemlines...
Bruce Jenkins makes some great points about Ichiro. How he one of the most elegant (yes, I said elegant) baseball players on the field, yet we know very little about him off the field. I had hoped the Giants would sign him after Bonds left, but the owner of the Mariners owns Nintendo and it makes sense to have the greatest Japanese player play for a Japanese owner. It means even more to that owner. Oh well, I can still enjoy Ichiro.
Roche is buying Genentech. Holy smoly. At least they are trying to buy the rest of Genentech, Roche already owns 50% or so. It's shameless promotion time at Kenny Kellogg Headquarters. I published a paper at Kellogg examining alternative financing choices for Biotechs. My argument is that they are in a really tough spot, even mighty Genentech had to sell itself to Roche at one point. Well, that sale is coming back to bite them in the behind again. If interested, check out the paper here at Kellogg online or the embedded version here.