First up is a pump song by Scanners. It's called In My Dreams and its' pretty rad. I don't know what the lead singer looks like, but she has a very good chance of making my "Rock Star Women I Have a Crush On" list.
Scanners - In My Dreams
Let's bring it back down. Here is a Josh Ritter song, Girl in the Water, that is really great too. More mellow.
Josh Ritter - Girl In The War
Finally, Muxtape has become a go to service for me and I found a really cool Radiohead song, Gagging Order, on this Muxtape. I'm not even sure who this person is, but they "favorited" my Muxtape, so I checked their's out. Friends through music. Radiohead is the 6th song down.
Maybe you could build a Muxtape and favorite me so I could listen to it?