Hope everyone in San Francisco is enjoying the beautiful weather. For everyone else across the country, September is when our Summer starts. I'm writing this in shorts and flip flops, which is pretty special in SF. :)
Dear Guy Who Just Made My Burrito - Hilarious...but poor burrito craftsmanship is a serious offense. Let this be a warning to all. :)
Y-Combinator Will Now Fund Non Profits - Big step by Y Combinator. As someone who runs a soon-to-be non profit, Ben's Friends, this is really encouraging. The Tech World is a sleeping giant in the non profit world. When you apply the company building techniques that the Valley has developed in the non profit sector, good things are going to happen. Btw - I wrote an essay on this 6 months ago in the Harvard Business Review.
My Son Wears Dresses, Get Over It - An enlightening essay from a father of a child who wears what he wants to wear. This is progress. Hopefully it helps more men rethink their relationship with their gay sons.
Mobile Commerce Isn't Waiting for the Wallet to Arrive - Insightful post from fellow Kellogg Alum Mike Dudas. Mike works at Braintree, a mobile payment processing company, so he has a right to an opinion here. The key insight is that transactions are happening inside of apps, not through a central payment system on the phone. Maybe Apple will announce something that changes things next week, but for right now, Apps rule the mobile payment world.
Iran Opens a Twitter Channel to the West - Despite all the NSA spying and associated b.s., technology is still opening doors across the world. P.S. How annoying is Pelosi's daughter in this article?
Wearing Wearables: Thoughts on Current Wearable Tech - Charles is a VC friend of mine and an early adopter to watch. Wearable tech covers things like Fitbits, Nike FuelBands, etc. It's a big market and has a lot of people excited (including me).He makes a great point here, wearable tech would be much more appealing if it wasn't so so visible. But that's a Catch-22 for device makers, because how else will word of mouth spread if it isn't so noticeable? That's part of the genius behind Google Glass. It's so intrusive to the person you talk to, they can't help but notice it. Annoying - yes; forgettable - no.