There's a bunch of new content coming online from the Kellogg crew. First it was Beth Stevens on Sunday, then John Hamilton on Tuesday and today, it's Todd Melby, with his Loose Lips Sink Ships blog. First, I love the title. Second, I really admire Todd because he had the guts to work at a startup right out of Kellogg. I remember him explaining the technology behind his company's "gene snipping" technology and being challenged intellectually while being envious emotionally because he had found something he really cared about. Todd went on to present the company's story in the Kellogg Business Plan contest, and eventually go work there after school. We've stayed in touch.
Todd is a very thoughtful guy and I enjoyed the conversations at many a Kellogg Healthcare Club open bar event (he's not afraid of a pint or two either). I think you'll find his blog just like Todd - solid, direct and thoughtful.
Start with these two posts:
1) Thoughts on the Financial Crisis: "The most tragic outcome of this entire episode is that government, Wall Street and individual consumers have managed to destroy the trust that’s necessary for a capitalist society to function...."
Like all good entrepreneurs, Todd knows that the most important factor is trust. He goes onto connect the dots, but I think the trust issue is his central point.
2) Todd is already invoking the power of commenting by asking an existential question about Fairness and soliciting comments.