Fred Wilson writes one of the best blogs on the Internet. He's a NYC VC but he mixes in a lot of content about music (we have similar tastes) and technology. He figured out that writing a blog gave him a competitive advantage in venture investing because entrepreneurs can follow his thought process and "get to know him" via the blog. Stopping right there, he's a smart and very successful dude.
But every once in a while he mixes in a really cool political point that serves as icing on the cake. He did just that this morning with his entry, "Technology Trumps Government Again." It's worth the 2 minutes it will take you to read.
I'm a big believer in technology. In fact, if someone asked me what my true religion is, I think I would respond with faith in humanity's creativity to improve ourselves. No where is that better demonstrated than in technology markets where devices, services and new ideas are constantly bubbling up to make out life better. It's nothing against Government. I believe it's better that Government is less creative, and Government programs often lay the foundation for discoveries that change the world.
Anywhoo, Fred doesn't really address this, but there is some ideal balance between Technology and Government and I think the U.S. is pretty good at managing it. But we have an Ace up our sleeves. We have those tireless entrepreneurs that Fred and others like him are funding. Willing to chase their dreams for the benefit of all of us. People are pretty cool.
I suggest adding Fred to your must read list.