Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanks from Kenny

Just a quick shout out to all my friends across the country - actually world - on this fine Thanksgiving Day. Last year this time, I was having the time of my life living in London with Lisa and Dan, attending London Business School and hanging out with the Walm and his crew.

Today, I'm back in the Bay Area and as Fred Larson's photo to the right shows - it's been great. Thanks everyone who helped make the last year amazing and special thanks to the huge amount of people who have helped me on my job search! It feels great to have such great friends.

Let me leave you with a cool Jeff Tweedy (Wilco) song about Thanks. It's a catchy sing along tune that Tweedy used to defuse a touchy situation in Oregon on his last tour. My favorite part of the the song? The "we can make it better" lyric.

Thanks to everyone for a great year, and let's make it even better next year!