- The Post Frequency Rule (via AVC)
- First Listen: Bon Iver (via NPR)
- Who Wants US Houses? A Map (Kedrosky via Trulia)
- Coordination (via Seth Godin)
- Bike Lanes (via Vimeo - Casey Neistat)
- Subconscious Information Processing (via AVC) - I learned this at college and it's the single most effective learning technique I've ever come across. I structure my work and make decisions with this in mind. Note, the Amazon Kindle
has made this a lot easier for pleasure reading and learning because now I read a few books at a time. I pick them up off and on and find I've made a lot of interpretation and understanding progress when I pick it back up.
- Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Jungleland (via YouTube) - RIP Big Man
- Al Yankovic: When I Grow Up (itunes via Matt Koidin)
- The Story Behind Rich Lam's Infamous Vancouver Riot Photo (popphoto)
- Product Roast (via 37Signals)
- Dollars & Sense: What You Need to Know About Investing (MoxyMag)
- Regulation Wormholes: The Absurdity of the NBA's Half Court Rule (via Grantland)
Happy Father's Day to my dad, Gary, and my step-dad, Jack!