via Startable - Healy Jones' & Prasad Thammineni's Blog by Healy Jones on 12/3/12
I've been making an effort to share more on Twitter (Follow Healy Jones on Twitter if you want.) Some of these tweets have been popular:- RT @ttunguz: Data on the seedpocalypse. What the NVCA data show about silicon valley's fiscal cliff
- Why won't MSFT buy share in their most impt market since the PC? RT @ron_miller: Surface Pricing Dooms it to Failure.
- Simple but effective logic: RT @dh: The economic logic behind tech and talent acquisitions
- Shooting this video was a lot of fun: Local Webinar Taken Over By Mayan Apocalypse Believers via @BostInno@officedrop
- 90% employed at startups! RT @BostInnovation: Where is Boston Startup School's Inaugural Class Now?
- Seems like price really matters w/smartphone purchases: RT @businessinsider: iPhone Beating Android In US by @jyarow
- RT Here's How Retailers Like Target And Nordstrom Are Winning The Battle For Mobile Shoppers