Many of you know that I've dabbled in the beverage industry. I'd love to make Crux, the drink we developed at Kellogg, a success someday. Right now it's just a dream for me but a recent Kellogg alum, Wyeth Goodenough, is making it a reality. Wyeth is COO of a drink startup called JetSet that was profiled in the San Francisco Chronicle. His drink is much more than a cool name, it's a line of mixer drinks (soda water, tonic water, etc) with a caffeine boost. Think Red Bull meets a basic mixer. Jetset is distributed all over the country in Safeway's and Beverage and More's. It's big in the Bay Area bars and growing.
Next time you go to a bar and are looking for a boost, help an entrepreneur out and order a JetSet and [fill in the blank].
Drink JetSet.